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Self Care

Everyday we are surrounded by people and experiences to learn and grow from. With all the influences surrounding us, it is critical that we emphasize prioritizing personal needs. Proper self-care can provide an individual a healthier balance of responsibilities, sacrifices, engaging interests, meeting goals/needs, and so much more. Although, it would be nice if everyone could practice selflessness, it is necessary to be selfish with your time. “Truth is, you don’t have anything to give that you don’t have. So you have to keep your own self full, that’s your job..” stated during video below by Oprah Winfrey. Not being selfish with personal needs will always prevent one from achieving their maximum potential, or even developing a further understanding of themselves and others. Focusing on your areas of self-care may help you discover new ways to balance personal care using different activities. Through physical, emotional/psychological, intellectual, social, and spiritual needs can proper self-care be met.

According to Sarah Staggs with PsychCentral, the five areas of self care are as listed:

  1. Physical Self-Care

  2. Emotional/Psychological Self-Care

  3. Intellectual/Mental Self-Care

  4. Social Self-Care

  5. Spiritual Self-Care

Potential Self Care Activities:

  1. Physical - Get enough sleep, Exercise consistently, Eat right: limiting sugars & processed foods, Take time off when sick.

  2. Emotional/Psychological - Find things that make you laugh, Prioritize activities that make you happy, Spend time each day alone, Self-reflect, Write in a journal, Say ‘no’ to extra responsibilities.

  3. Intellectual/Mental - Read books, Listen to radio programs/podcasts, Create your own art, Learn a new skill or take a class, Create your own art, Watch documentaries.

  4. Social - Stay in contact w/important people in your life, Limit social media activity and meet friends in person, set limits and boundaries w/others, Have a weekly date w/friend or partner, Smile and say hello to a stranger, Make a weekly call to friend or family member.

  5. Spiritual - Spend time w/nature, Meditate or pray daily, Read inspirational literature, Contribute to causes you believe in, Acknowledge what is meaningful to you, Acknowledge non-material aspects of life, Do volunteer work or help out others.

One can easily forget about treating personal needs while being responsible and sacrificial. It is essential that you take your time and learn how to regulate and soothe yourself daily, weekly, or even when feeling overwhelmed or struggling with uncertainty. Very Well Mind states, “People who neglect their own needs and forget to nurture themselves are at danger of deeper levels of unhappiness, low self-esteem, and feelings of resentment. Practicing self care and having the ability to tap into your self care needs will strengthen your confidence and can also serve as reassurance.

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